Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 1: Ode, Elegy

I am focusing on an elegy poem, since I did an ode in my last post.

elegy of ages by Sakura Tomoko

poets of centuries,
their words ever so
whisper their lives
Result in catastrophe
but preserve them forever
-in elegy

I've never heard of Sakura Tomoko, but I like his word choice in this elegy.
"eloquent" and "catastrophe" really juxtopose the idea of "preserv[ation]" and "poets of hte centuries" seems to sum up the ideas of how Brittish and Midevial origination of these types of styles of poetry, with odes and elegys. My interpretation of hte poem is that Sakura is addressing hte "poets of the centuries," in sayign that they chose their words well to portray and describe their lives. He also says that since people's talk "Result in catastrophe" and gets them into trouble, or jsut that lives "result in catastrophe" by dying, or jsut having problems. In saying "but preserve them forever" I think Sakura notes how peoples tragedies make for great poems ("-in elegy") and rememberance.

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