Thursday, April 16, 2009

Slam Poetry

Slam Poetry-is a competition at which poets read or recite original work (or, more rarely, that of others). These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously selected members of the audience.

I worked with this type of poetry in creative writing clas, and it was alot of fun. We were told that slam poetry is more like a movement in expression, and often deals with topics that irritate us, so more expression and passion can go into hteir poetry. Slam poetry is more of a performance than merely a written down poem, so I searched on youtube to find some slam poets. Alot of them are kind of creepy and deal wiht good topics, and I found a poet reciting her poem that I thought was worth commenting.

At first, I thought the poem was going to be like a love poem, so I kind of thought it would be bad. Yet around 1:05, the poem take a turn for an interesting topic. The poet, who goes by "Vocab", and her poem is about how pick up lines are disrespectful, and her thoughts on the lines men use, and how they are hurtful to women. She uses allusions such as moses and comparisons to Moses. her sarcastic tone and anger make me believe her argument. Her stong opionions come out, as she doesnt blame the guys mother for his lack of respect, rather she lyrically states "the television is erasing and rewinding all the lectures of respect that she gave him." while the crowd cheers. Her comparisons hit home, as I feel like I really understand her thoughts and feel she is very relateable. Around 2:43 mark, she takes her slam poem to an even more serious tone, and talks about rape victims. It is extremely sad on how her words are so close to reality, though I cannot relate to a rape victim, I feel sorrow for them. Her poem and the tone she literally uses keeps me interested and wants ot listen to her so much more, its like a captivation. To keep an edge on things, and in control of the situation and relate to her orriginal topic for closure. She says, "In nine months from now when he finds himself in the maternity ward of a hospital, he can give birth to a real man. Or, at least, a better pickup line."

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